Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pictures and Captions

EDIT: OK, so I just tried to publish the post below, but the picture layout didn't quite cooperate. The picture captions therefore may be a little off as far as photo-layout goes. Yes, I'm too lazy to fix it, so I will rely on yall's astute observational skills to deduce the matching caption.

This oh-so-aptly titled post has no stories, adventures, or anything of the like, but I suppose that a few of you blog faithful might get a little tired of my wordy posts every once in awhile. Anyway, you know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. So lets just pretend I worked really hard on a 13,000 word post. I'll feel diligent, and you can have a break from wading through paragraphs of my ramblings. I will be including quite a few pictures of some of our American friends in Shiyan. We have been VERY blessed to have some really great folks to show us around the city and provide some much-needed companionship in ENGLISH!!!

O.K. so I know it looks dirty (I'm hanging laundry to dry in the 1st picture, so it looks a little crazy), but I figured some pictures of my apartment should be shown. As you can see, its pretty spacious.
top left: Den Top mid: bathroom Top right: kitchen
B-left: Comp. room/2nd bedroom. B-mid: My Bedroom B-Right: dining area

Just a few random shots here. The picture on the left is a gathering with (from left to right) Angelyn, Kat, Megan, John, and Luke. Our friends Angelyn and Jessica just got a new Kitty named Lucy, who is perching on my shoulder in the top-right picture (yes, I know I look crazy, but the cat looks darn cute!). And I promised a shot of Luke and Katherine together, so here it is!

Some great flattering pictures of our friends Angelyn, Jessica (top left), John (bottom left) and Trent (right). We all went out for Crawfish one night, and some couldn't resist the temptation of playing with their food! Not being big crawfish fans, Luke, Kat, and I had McDonalds beforehand.

This is the Lady who runs our favorite restaurant down the street. We call her "Happy Lady" for obvious reasons. She makes some great food that I'm not even going to try and spell.

O.K., well I hope you all enjoyed this week's rant-free edition of my blog. You're getting better at comments! Good to hear from you all. We are still doing well, and I don't teach for another week! Well I'm off to bed so I can wake up in time to catch the Alabama gamecast online. Roll Tide!


Anonymous said...

that kitty is so freakin' cute!!!

Chris and Karis said...

Love the pictures - especially Happy Lady! Glad she's keeping you guys fed. Did you really do laundry????