Friday, September 5, 2008

1 week down, 51 to go (ok, more like 42, but 51 sounds more dramatic)

So I'm convinced that the whole self-esteem deal is outdated, I've found a better solution to the whole believing in yourself thing. Go to a foreign country: preferably one that doesn't hate you/your religion/ideology/skin tone etc. O.K. Simply put, come to China!

If you have any doubts about how special you really are, all it takes is a stroll down the street in Shiyan, China. Jaws will drop, lives will be put on hold, babies will wave, Old people will stare, girls will giggle, and school children will shout "Hello" as you walk by (note: this does not apply to persons of Chinese or Asian descent, and for my insensitivity I apologize). Now I know what Britney Spears feels like (except without the Paparazzi, plastic surgery, or drug problems). Chinese people will simply NOT stop staring at us Americans as we walk down the street. Now don't get me wrong, they do not do this to be rude. In fact, the Chinese have been MOST hospitable to us, and are often eager to try out the 1 or 2 english words that they know when they see us. Rude or not, it is certainly an interesting experience to be the focus of a whole city street as you search the side stores for a good noodle stand. I waver between feeling important and worrying that there is something stuck in my teeth, neither of which are usually true or good feelings ;-)

I have, however, discovered that some are not quite as nice as many of the locals. I have developed what could only be described as a rivalry full of loathing, fear, and often angry exchanges. Who is this vile nemesis who strives to thwart my every endeavor you ask? I'm not sure of his name, but I'm pretty sure that an American family would lovingly name this evil spawn something like "sparky", "skippy", or "Punky".

Yes, there is a dog that dwells a floor below me. Although this 6-inch tall ball of fur appears harmless, it will occasionally lurk on the 6th floor landing, just waiting for an unsuspecting resident to cross its path so that it can go into a yapping/chasing frenzy. Not having had my rabies shot, I have treated many of these such encounters with great caution, often retreating back up/down the stairs until yippie/skippy/sparky's owner comes out to silence the beast. This morning, while we were walking downstairs to procure some lunch, we met the beast on his way up from the 3rd floor to the 6th. Having encountered the thing several times with no positive outcome, I warned Luke to stay back and let it pass. However, the dog simply looked on, docile. When we retreated back into the doorway for a second, the dog passed and ran quickly up one floor, where it immediately commenced its ferocious yapping as if we were suddenly encroaching its territory. Although Katherine has assured me that the dog won't bite even when it is in full attack mode, I seldom leave the apartment without a water bottle, umbrella, or some other blunt object just in case!

This will be our first relaxing weekend in Shiyan since our arrival a week ago. Luke, Katherine, and I are all excited and hope to have some fun. Luke and I have taken to playing ping pong on the outdoor sports courts (they have stone tables set up among the basketball courts). Sometimes students come to join in, and sometimes they simply stare at our awkward attempt to do the game justice (after all, who would hold a ping-pong paddle by the handle? Stupid Americans...).

I think we are all glad to be settling into the swing of things, and Luke and Katherine seem to be enjoying teaching more and more. I am 2 weeks away from teaching now, and Luke is still urging me to learn some Chinese! I have some software here in the apartment, so my next two weeks will likely be more productive than this one. I hope you are all doing well back in the states! Feel free to comment, and look me up on skype (this means you, friends and family!), we love hearing from home so don't hold back! In fact, my feeble brain is constantly running out of topics to blog about, so if you have questions you would like me to answer in my blog, feel free to ask me. OK, thats enough for tonight. Goodnight all, and God Bless!



Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! Keep the great stories coming-- sounds like you guys are having a great time. We are praying for you!!

Unknown said...

You are a gifted writer, Finn! You have a great sense of humor. Let me know if you figure out a way to calm our "little friend" on the 6th floor!

Brad, your next door neighbor