Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How do you say "Emergency Room" in Chinese?

"I have an emergency"

Although we wanted to know where the Emergency room was, this was about the closest thing in Katherine's phrase book. So there we stood, all 3 of us at 2:00 AM in the rain outside of a Chinese guard post near the hospital. The guard looked at us, puzzled, as Luke repeated the phrase about 3 more times. Having gotten over the fact that yes, 3 very wet and tired looking white people were speaking Chinese to him and no, he was not dreaming: he nodded his head and lead us to...the...emergency room. I hesitate because the "emergency room" was a doctor sitting in front of a computer, smoking a cigarette. "Do you speak English?" Luke asked in Chinese. He seemed to indicate that yes, he did speak some English, just before he let loose with a barrage of rapid Chinese that not even Luke could make out. Between the 3 of us, we eventually managed to describe the problem with Luke pondering Chinese syntax, Katherine flipping through her phrase book, and myself holding a chinese-english dictionary in one hand and motioning wildly with the other (If you ever want to know how to say I.V. in Chinese, just make a circle in the air with your right hand, and mimic the flow of water with your other. It gets the point across while having the added bonus of being very entertaining).
After a quick blood test and some questions, Katherine was placed in a barracks-looking room of sorts to recieve her IV, while Luke waited next to her, playing his PSP to pass the time. I meanwhile, was pulled aside by the Doctor several times, because he seemed to think that 1) I spoke Chinese, and 2) I should be the guy to recieve her upkeep instructions (neither of which were true). After a bit, I went back to catch some rest while Luke and Katherine stayed on at the hospital. They managed to get out unscathed, unless you count the constant wailing of the patient in the bed next to her.

So how, might you ask, did we end up in the hospital in the first place? Good question, we're not sure either. All we know is that Katherine was pretty dang sick for at least 30 hours straight, and we were getting a little worried. 4 hours of IV fluid and about 12 hours of sleep later, she seems to be doing quite well now! She is understandably going to take it easy on the food for the next few days, but from what I can tell, she'll be right as rain in no time!

So we've had our adventure for the week, and we're already fed up with adventuring! Back to teaching, eating wonderful food, and hanging out with friends and Family. This weekend we have some friends coming to visit from Wuhan, and we may even travel up Wudang mountain. Everyone is excited about upcoming plans for October holiday, which will be our 1 week vacation that occurs 1 week after I start teaching! We have a pretty big group planning on some cool travels, so get excited for some ridiculous travel stories.

Well, as you might have guessed...I'm a little tired, so I'm off to bed! Hope yall are doing well. STAY HEALTHY! From what I can tell its no fun to be sick! But hey, good news is, the ER visit, including IV cost, etc. was less than 10$ U.S. not bad at all!

Goodnight/afternoon and God Bless!


hbreland said...

I hope Katherine is recovering well. I enjoy reading your comments and you do have a nack for writing. Keep at it.


Unknown said...

Hey Finn, Luke, Katherine. Your dad put me on to your site, and I have enjoyed reading about the fun of being in a different country where nobody speaks English! It's an experience to say the least. Don’t have much to say except I hope you are having fun and learning a bit at the same time. Keep us posted on the happenings of Shiyan as well as any Yao Ming sightings. Stay safe and I hope all is well. Jabe III

Aunt Margaret said...


Pretty good value there for $10. Just think, back home, you may have gotten 2 lattes. Give Katherine our love and we hope she is better now. Also to Luke. Stay safe. Can't wait to read on.....

Aunt Margaret said...


I am printed all these out to take to Me-Maw this weekend in Marianna. I am sure she will enjoying reading these. Will let you know her comments. We miss you. I am also sending your blog address to Robert and Amanda.

Love, Aunt Margaret.

Anonymous said...

I notice that you left out the parts about the excellent medical consultation from your stateside mother and brother Ryan, including some middle of the night phone chats! And you forgot to plug
Ceralyte, without which she may have needed $20 worth of IV fluids :). Hope you stocked up on diet sprite and maybe we can send some berry flavor.
Finally, glad that you are excelling at Chinese sign language, but why not try learning some Chinese?
We love you.
--Mom and Chris

Ashley said...

we were talking about you guys last night! aaron and i leave saturday. we love you and hope you guys are doing really well, and staying healthy. :)