Monday, December 15, 2008

Top 10...or 20...whatever

OK, well our first semester in China is coming to a close. Hours of grading papers, doing laundry, Christmas shopping, airline ticket purchasing, and other such wonderful activities have filled my recent weeks, and thus I absolve myself from any lack of blog posting on my part. But lets not make tonights post about filling you in on weeks of incredible stories and long-winded account of China no this week deserves a succinct expression of my soul's true feelings...

A top 10 list.
well, 2 to be exact, but lets not be picky. Enjoy.

Top 10 things I will do when I arrive in the States.

10) Stare at white people...they will be everywhere
9) Speak English to anyone and everyone who will listen. Total strangers especially.
8) Watch Football at a time other than 3:00 in the morning
7) Taco Bell
6) Five Guys and Fries
5) consume copious amounts of Pepto
4) Drive a car for the first time in 4 months (not counting my gas station commercial)
3) visits to friends and family, of course
2) Engage in some much needed football gloating (watch out Auburn fans)
1) 2 words....Cheese Dip

Top 10 things I will miss about China

10) Getting stared at while I walk down the street...I'm kind of famous here
9) My students. They really are so incredibly nice...don't worry I have pictures
8) My favorite Fried Rice guy/Drink stand lady/restaurant owner that wave at me every day
7) Chinese taxi rides...the only way to travel. Part transportation, part sheer terror, part amusement.
6) Walking 7 flights of stairs 2 or 3 or 4 times a day...ok not really.
5) Sim Sim and Trixie, Ang and Jessica's new puppies. Don't worry, I have pictures of them too.
4) Droves of middle school students walking by and shouting "HELLO" at random intervals.
3) DVDs... 7 kuai (1 dollar). Can't beat that with a stick.
2) Random text messages wishing me a "Happy Everyday"
1) My Shiyan Family. They mean the world to me.

Well, if you are still a loyal blog post reader, that probably means that I will see you soon upon my return to the states. Pray for us as we travel...we have a LONG process ahead of us. Hit me up stateside for various stories, pictures, slideshows, etc. I can't wait to tell everyone about our life here. See you soon!


1 comment:

katie said...

ahaha I love your top ten lists. I almost started crying just now because I miss China so much. Sorry if I comment on every single post...