Saturday, August 30, 2008

We have found the interwebs!

So, as you may have guessed, my apartment is now hooked up to the internet! Skype, facebook, and (of course) blogspot are now easily accessible at any time. We're still working on the cell phones but we have phone cards for our home phones so we're chugging right along. Luke and Katherine's internet worked briefly....then their computer (the one the school provided) kinda broke, so the school is sending someone to fix it Monday.

Today we had a dinner with all of the American English teachers in Shiyan. Laughs and good times were had by all, and Barry almost mastered the art of picking up watermelon with chopsticks. We have a REALLY great group of folks here, and it was good to communicate with over 2 other English speakers in one sitting!

Luke and Katherine are doing well. I think they have not rebounded from the jet-lag quite so wel; they are in bed pretty early every night, but I tend to stay up and watch a little West Wing now and then. Perhaps they are trying to prepare themselves for the upcoming schedule! Luke and Kat start classes on Monday, but I apparently won't have classes for another 3 weeks! I have all freshmen classes, and all Chinese freshmen are required to do some sort of training, so I will be free to hang out for a bit around the city before getting to work.

Sorry there's nothing very new or interesting to report in this post, but I suppose a boring post is better than none at all. I hope everyone is doing well stateside...but clearly something's wrong back there if we're nominating governors from Alaska to VP slots....unbelievable. As far as I'm concerned, Alaskans are geographically Canadian, and therefore unfit for the office of VP, but what would I know? OK, enough for my political rant. I'm working on getting my Mac internet-ready but its proving difficult. I may have to swap my photos over to the desktop to put them online, but don't worry, they'll be up soon!


Oh! and ROOOOOOLLLLLLLLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. please don't let us know game scores until you know we've watched it...we're trying to watch online after it happens, but we don't want to know the outcome 'till we see it. Thanks!

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